Student Engagement in Learning: "I'll Attend School and Work Hard When I Understand the Benefits of My Effort"
Dr. Rebecca Dedmond
George Washington University
David Militzer
California Department of Education
Dr. Patrick Holland
Law and Leadership Academy
Dan Blake
Sonoma County Office of Education
Session Type:
CA Career Pathways Session
Presentation Category:
Secondary-Postsecondary Connection
This highly interactive program will provide an introduction to The Freshman Transition Initiative. Best practices will be highlighted by experienced practioners. Materials and resources that facilitate implementation will be shared. The value and importance of working alliances between state departments of education, schools, and research institutions will be addressed.
The workshop will provide an in-depth introduction to the Freshman Transition Initiative (which can be implemented in 8th or 9th grades). Through a variety of formates participants will learn how the work of the Initiative supports successful efforts to engage students through structured transition programs which culminate in a personalized, ten year edcuation - career - life plan (or "framework").