Rethinking How Students Learn: CTE Blended and Distance Learning


Kelly Schwirzke

Santa Clara County Office of Education

Pam Falke-Krueger

ROP-Santa Cruz County Office of Education

Friday, March 4, 2011 - 1:15pm - 2:30pm
Session Type: 
CA Career Pathways Session
Presentation Category: 
Curriculum Integration
Give students access to high quality, standards-based, content-driven CTE learning experiences that expand the boundaries of the classroom through web-based curriculum developed for the SB70 grant. This workshop is designed to help CTE teachers access Region V’s my•cte, free course curriculums developed by CTE teachers and delivered through Moodle. Learn how to enroll students in a course and take advantage of the webbased lessons and tools for use in distance learning or integrating into face-to-face CTE or core academic classes. Learn how a CTE teacher uses the courses to differentiate instruction and provide flexible learning solutions in her face-to-face CTE classes.

California Industry Sectors
California Partnership Academies