Legacy Projects in a CPA


Martha Elvira Espinoza

J.F. Kennedy High Scool/ FUSD

Olivia Santillan

Green Tech Academy

Kevin Lydon

Green Tech Academy

Jeanmarie Dollard

Green Tech Academy

Saturday, March 5, 2011 - 9:30am - 10:45am
Session Type: 
CPA Session
Presentation Category: 
Curriculum Integration
Legacy Projects are an excellent way to engage students in a “hands on” learning experience which allows them to acquire specific knowledge and skills. These skills ultimately permit them to address the many challenges that face our environment, school, or community. Academy students apply for one of the three Legacy projects: Outdoor Classroom; Restoration; or Media. There are about ten students in each group and are guided and supervised by two Academy teachers.

California Industry Sectors
California Partnership Academies