Closing the Achievement Gap: Connecting At Risk Students to School and Career


Theresa Hagelbarger

Villa Park High School

Janis Perry

Santiago Canyon College

Friday, March 4, 2011 - 10:15am - 11:30am
Session Type: 
CA Career Pathways Session
Presentation Category: 
Career Pathways/ Industry Sectors
Statistics show failure rates are at their highest during the first year of high school and may lead to a pattern of low achievement and motivation resulting in reduced employment rates and non-college attendance. Participants will learn of an innovative program of study and support services developed by Villa Park High School and Santiago Canyon College designed to retain students and increase school success. The demonstration project in CTE Finance and Business is a linked learning program designed with multiple entry and exit points to employment and education. The program begins at the middle school level continuing through high school and on to the college level and can serve as a model for other CTE industry sectors, pathways and programs increasing the achievement and retention of students. Participants will receive materials and ideas to take back to their schools sites and share these strategies with their colleagues.

California Industry Sectors
California Partnership Academies